Monday, September 29, 2008
The Last Aloha
The Lord really opened my eyes to the beautiful natural world around me, and allowed me to get closer to him and myself. Thanks to everyone in Hawaii for great memories! And all my friends back home for keeping in touch!
My next adventure brings me to Amsterdam, where I am typing this from. I'm working at a christian hostel, spreading the word about Jesus's love to travelers! I'm so excited for this opportunity! I'll be back home mid-December. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I start this crazy/wonderful adventure!
Mahalo! (thanks in Hawaiian)
ps. I might be starting another blog for Amsterdam. but, we'll see if I actually update it! Here's a tentative website for it:
Friday, August 29, 2008
Endless Summer
I am sore. And bruised. It's the kind of sore that you get from hours of physical exertion, the kind where, when you are having such a great time going full speed ahead at whatever you are exerting yourself at, you don't even stop to think about how sore you're going to be. Why am I sore? I went surfing! I had such a great time! I decided to head to Waikiki to have a day to myself, and thought it would be a good time to get a surfing lesson in. And where better to get a surfing lesson than the famous Waikiki Beach? After finding some free parking (!) about a mile from the beach, I started walking. I ended up walking down a street filled with Japanese stores. I love these stores. They have the funniest things in them. And the craziest clothes - that are so small! I held up a pair of women's size Large shorts, and they would have fit a ten year old! Definitely not finding anything to fit these hips. I walked down the main strip, where all the luxury stores are, and past the International Marketplace where you can haggle with vendors for souvenirs. I ended up across the street from one of my favorite places in Honolulu--The Moana Surfrider Hotel.

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Planting Pineapples
Monday, July 7, 2008
Gotta love a Muumuu!
I'm wearing a muumuu right now. Yep, I'm typing away, as comfortable as can be in my muumuu. And no, I have not turned into a fat old lady who eats ice cream out of the tub surrounded by her 50 cats. That may be the image that most people have of women in muumuus, but here in Hawaii things are different. Everyone wears muumuus! It's amazing! People wear them to work, shopping, to the beach, and just lounging around as I am now. There's dressier ones, and more casual ones. As it is warm here all year round, they are the perfect thing to run around in. It's kind of my new favorite thing. I even wore one to church yesterday. I made it cute, mind you, with a belt and accessories, but it was a muumuu nonetheless. I like to think myself authentically Hawaiian now. And I got really lucky! A few days after I got here, a church right down the road from Dorothy's had a huge rummage sale/kids day thing. So I bought 5 muumuus for.....$1.00! Really people. You can't beat that. not with a stick. haha.
Aloha wear is prominent here. As it should be. But before I got here, I thought I would see the occasional tourist or Hawaiian wearing a hawaiian shirt or such. But everyone wears such fun, colorful clothes! Hawaiian shirts and board shorts are a must for guys, and sundresses, muumuus, and sarongs are a must for girls. And flip-flops are worn by 90% of everyone here! Comfortable and casual makes up the Hawaii wardrobe!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
First Impressions
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
7 Hours in Phoenix

Well you guessed it. I'm here at the Phoenix airport where I've been for the last 4 hours, with only 3 more hours to go. This is by far the longest layover I've ever had. You might be wondering, "what does one do while stuck in an airport for such an extremely long time?" Same question I asked myself when I arrived here.
So far, I've gone through security again, attempted to take a nap, poked around in Borders, wandered aimlessly, had dinner at Chili's, talked with mom (twice), flipped through some magazines at the newsstand, and tried to connect to the internet. But the biggest challenge so far has been to not spend any money. (besides dinner.)
Do you know how hard that is when you're trapped in an airport with a Starbucks every 10 feet.?! It's hard, man. I'm sitting outside of one now, smelling the delicious caffeine-ness of it all and trying hard to resist spending $4.00 on a cup of goodness. Maybe I need to move to another area. Hopefully I'll be flying out of here soon, with my wallet and sanity intact. What do you guys do when you're stuck in an airport?
I just looked up and the store I'm sitting in front of (across from the Starbucks) is called Desert Breeze. Were they trying for sarcasm? I've been in Arizona before my friends, and let me tell ya, there is No breeze.
On another note, if you want to see the worst dressed people in America, visit any airport. No wait. Wal-mart and themeparks might take the top two spots, but airports follow really close behind. I know people want to look comfortable, but how hard is it to look decent?
Well, that's all my airport musings for now. I think I might try to take a nap again. I'll try my best to find a spot far away from the tempting aromas of Starbucks.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The butterflies are fluttering, and that old feeling of "what the heck am I doing?" is creeping around. Yes, I've caused complete upheaval in my life, again. I packed up my belongings (and managed to cram them all in my parents house yet again - thanks mom and dad!), said my goodbyes to friends and coworkers in Charlotte, and packed my trusty carry on for my next destination- Hawaii! I'm so excited about going, but feel like I've been talking about it for eternity. But now that my flight leaves in just five days, I feel like time is flying by. I had three weeks in between leaving Charlotte and flying to Hawaii to crash at my parents and get things sorted and I've done a whole lot of...nothing. Well, I have caught up on all the SpongeBob Squarepants cartoons I missed. (there was a marathon on, ok?!)
Back to Hawaii. For those who don't know, I'm headed to Oahu to stay with my friend Dorothy for a while. She's lived there for about 7 months now. Her husband is in the navy, so they are based out there for three years. They have an extra bedroom and invited me out. How could I possibly turn that down? I hope to be there for a while, splitting my time between Dorothy's place and exploring other parts of Hawaii.
I plan on doing every possible tourist thing there is to do while in Hawaii. So expect lots of pictures of me doing the Hula dance, and wearing those crazy Hawaiian print shirts while wearing a camera around my neck. Well, you get the idea. As excited as I am about Hawaii, I'm just the teensiet bit anxious about what I'll do or where I'll live when I get back. (if I come back that is!) But, never one to worry about the details, I'll think about all that later. For now, I'm ready to hit the beach and check out some surfers.